_:b17942 "2020-12-31Z"^^ . _:b17940 "2018-04-17T00:00:00+0000"^^ . "v 1.1.1" . _:b17940 _:b17941 . . "d3a92aa6f4c5121beaa4c060d0bbf50c" . . "National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)" . "Subsidies" . . _:b17941 "The content is available to the public free of charge with the specific terms of the Greek license Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY v.4.0)" . _:b17940 "The YourDataStories (YDS) SPARQL endpoint provides access to all YDS datasets. The NSRF dataset is represented in the form of the http://yourdatastories.eu/NSRFAPI graph." . "This data source provides detailed information for each NSRF project, which is a group of activities aimed at implementing an integrated and functionally independent object. The project is implemented by one or more entities called beneficiaries. If the beneficiary is a public body either projects implemented by contractors or by beneficiary itself." . _:b17940 . . _:b17940 . _:b17940 . "Major data model Update." . _:b17941 "anapyxi.gov.gr (http://anaptyxi.gov.gr)" . _:b17941 . "Beneficiaries" . . _:b17942 "1996-12-18Z"^^ . "NSRF" . _:b17940 "http://yourdatastories.eu/NSRFAPI" . _:b17942 . "This dataset is derived from the data provided by the API of National Strategic Reference Framework (http://anaptyxi.gov.gr/ODHelp.aspx)." . _:b17942 . "Greece" .