_:b17925 "http://yourdatastories.eu/ODA/NL" . _:b17926 "IATI Standard (http://iatistandard.org/)" . _:b17925 "The YourDataStories (YDS) SPARQL endpoint provides access to all YDS datasets. The ODA NL dataset is represented in the form of the graph." . "v 1.2" . . . . . "development" . _:b17927 . . _:b17925 . "Netherlands" . _:b17925 . _:b17927 "2009-01-01Z"^^ . "public spending" . "Official development assistance (ODA) is a term coined by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to measure aid. It is widely used as an indicator of international aid flow. The data set covers Dutch government funded ODA activities in developing countries worldwide." . "This dataset is derived from the data provided by the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Datastore (http://datastore.iatistandard.org)." . "9df093f054cb0493d24a0505ff2f116c" . _:b17925 . _:b17925 _:b17926 . "Added latest data" . _:b17927 "2017-12-31Z"^^ . "ODA" . _:b17926 "Copyright \u00A9 Development Initiatives, on behalf of the IATI Secretariat Released under the Creative Commons attribution license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" . _:b17925 . _:b17926 . "Official Development Assistance (ODA) of the Netherlands" . _:b17925 "2018-04-17T00:00:00+0000"^^ . _:b17927 .