_:b17946 . _:b17947 . _:b17946 "http://yourdatastories.eu/TED" . _:b17946 "http://yourdatastories.eu/TEDIreland" . _:b17946 . _:b17946 "The YourDataStories (YDS) SPARQL endpoint provides access to all YDS datasets. The TED dataset is represented in the form of the http://yourdatastories.eu/TEDUpdate, http://yourdatastories.eu/TEDGreece, http://yourdatastories.eu/TEDIreland graphs graph." . _:b17946 _:b17947 . _:b17947 "European Commission (https://ec.europa.eu/info/legal-notice_en)" . _:b17947 "\u00A9 European Union, 1995-2016.\r\nReuse is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged. The Commission's reuse policy is implemented by the Decision of 12 December 2011 - reuse of Commission documents. The general principle of reuse can be subject to conditions which may be specified in individual copyright notices. Therefore, users are advised to refer to the copyright notices on individual websites maintained under Europa and in individual documents. Reuse is not applicable to documents subject to intellectual property rights of third parties." . _:b17946 "2018-04-17T00:00:00+0000"^^ . _:b17946 "http://yourdatastories.eu/TEDGreece" .